About Huntington

Update: About page

For several years, researchers in eyewitness reports of apparent modern pterosaurs faced the same problem: Critics dismissed those explorers and writers simply because of the religious beliefs they held, or because the idea of non-extinct “pterodactyls” appeared to strange. This may have caused some readers to pass over all reports of pterosaur-like cryptids, rejecting the idea that some species may still be living in some areas of the planet.

It now appears that a bigger problem is apathy, among people of whatever faiths or philosophies they may have. That helps explain the following.

Authors and writers in general—they have sometimes found valid reasons for using a pseudonym (pen name) in place of a real name. Perhaps the best known is “Mark Twain” for Samuel Clemens. During the past few years, perhaps none of the readers of the Modern Pterosaur blog suspected that “Norman Huntington” was a pen name, but it is. The use of that name was to spread the truth to as many persons as possible. No attempt at any deception was ever made.

Readers needed to have writings on eyewitness sightings without tripping over a name that may have been tarnished in their minds. That is why I, Jonathan David Whitcomb, have used Norman Huntington on this blog, rather than my normal name. I wanted to publish the truth about eyewitness reports of living pterosaurs.

Critics and skeptics had dismissed my ideas time after time, with an article in the Houston Chronicle newspaper as an example. One commenter even suggested people should be cautious about the ideas of one explorer in Papua New Guinea (Paul Nation) because he was associated with “Jonathan Whitcomb.” It was time to use a pseudonym. After all, I am not an eyewitness of a living pterosaur, but I publish eyewitness accounts, the reports that many persons have sent in to me about their encounters.

That time is now past, for using the name Norman Huntington, so be aware that all previous blog posts, using that name, were written by me, Jonathan Whitcomb.

About Jonathan David Whitcomb