Flying Creature in San Fernando Valley

A report of a large flying creature in Sherman Oaks, California, suggests similarities to the ropen of Papua New Guinea. A man reported the creature after he and his girlfriend observed it while taking a walk at about 10:30 p.m., on September 21, 2009. He reported, “It was a very large, winged creature that was gliding maybe 100 yards above us. . . . it beat its wings, once, before going out of view.” His girlfriend had a better view (she has better vision) and saw a glow or reflection on the wings.

The man estimated the wingspan: ten to fifteen feet; the girlfriend estimated twenty feet. The wings appeared more like those of bats than birds, with a greater depth from leading-edge to trailing edge. The sighting lasted ten to twenty seconds.

Pterosaur in Southern California: “I interviewed the two eyewitnesses separately, by phone . . . the creature they saw flying about 300 feet above them . . . was too big to be a bird. . . . I found the two eyewitnesses of the Sep 21st sighting quite credible. . . .”

Flying Creature in South Carolina: “The strange creature flew gracefully over the highway, right in front of the car Susan Wooten was driving to Florence, South Carolina. . . . ‘It looked as big as any car, and had NO feathers . . .”

Cryptozoology Book Live Pterosaurs in America: “From California to Maine, from Washington state to Florida, apparent living pterosaurs appear to be able to hide in any or all of the 48 connected states of the United States.”

UFO Reports Suggesting Non-Alien Intelligence

A new study of strange lights in Texas suggests bioluminescent predators, rather than extra-terrestrial UFO’s, explain the intelligent behavior that has puzzled scientists for many years. Sometimes the lights near Marfa (southwest Texas) seem to dance or to coordinate their movements in strange ways. One light may divide into two, then they will separate and fly away from each other, only to turn back and fly towards each other.

James Bunnell, author of the nonfiction book Hunting Marfa Lights, has long assumed that they are caused by some kind of energy that may relate to the geology of the area. The problem with that approach is the apparent intelligent behavior of the lights.

Jonathan Whitcomb, author of the nonfiction book Live Pterosaurs in America, has suggested the lights are caused by large nocturnal predators, probably similar to the ropen of Papua New Guinea. Of course “live pterosaur” seems the most outrageous explanation. But alternatives seem even less likely, including the idea that Marfa Lights are caused by intelligent beings from another world.

What’s wrong with extra-terrestrial UFO’s, meaning space crafts “manned” by intelligent aliens? Nothing, except that Marfa Lights might appear for one night or two nights in a row, then leave, not to came back for several weeks or so; it is the coming back that is critical: Aliens that fly over bushes near Marfa, Texas, and returning every few weeks, would be anything but intelligent; there is nothing much there but bushes.

But Whitcomb’s cryptozoology idea, weird though it may seem, does explain the intelligence of the lights. He speculates that the splitting of one light into two is actually just a kind of illusion. There were always two objects, but one of the glowing predators was joined by a non-glowing predator that soon started to glow; the two separate and fly away, then turn around and fly back together.

Why would two (apparently bioluminescent) predators fly away from each other for awhile, then turn and fly back to each other? Whitcomb suggests ropen-like creatures are attracting insects while they glow in one area. As the two fly away, Big Brown Bats are attracted to the swarm of insects. Just as the bat or bats fly into that air space, the two larger predators are flying back, ready to intercept and eat the bat or bats.

I know, glowing pterosaurs seems far fetched, but nothing else seems to come close to a reasonable overall explanation for the Marfa Lights of Texas.

Sighting in Cuba, 1971

Eskin Kuhn was a United States Marine at the Guantanamo Bay military base in Cuba, in 1971. One hot day, with clear visibility, he was taking a break when he saw an amazing sight. He described the experience in his own words.

Pterosaur seen by Eskin Kuhn in CubaI saw 2 Pterosaurs (or Pterodactyls . . . what’s in a name?) flying together at low altitude, perhaps 100 feet, very close in range from where I was standing . . . I had a perfectly clear view . . . The rhythm of their large wings was very graceful, slow . . . The Pterosaurs I saw had the short hind legs attached to the rearward-most part of the wing, and they had a long tail trailing behind with a tuft of hair at the end. . . . The head [had] a long crest at the back, long bill, long neck with a crook in it. The chest of the creatures was similarly prominent, protruding forward like the prow of an old ship . . . their wingspan [was] roughly 10 feet.

Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, pterosaurs (quoted below)

The two obvious pterosaurs observed by Eskin Kuhn during his military duty at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, in 1971, were sketched by him soon after the sighting. I have encountered no contradiction in anything that he has said during the past four decades, nothing to discredit his account . . .

Are Reports of Living Pterosaurs Anecdotes? (quoted below)

That critic labeled the eyewitness report of Eskin Kuhn “an unlikely anecdote.” But the link that he gives in his original posting is to a site with at least twenty-nine short paragraphs about the sighting; that alone makes the word “anecdote” questionable. And all of those paragraphs were quotations of the eyewitness, Eskin Kuhn; that shoots down the word “anecdote.”

Read about the cryptozoology book Live Pterosaurs in America
