Pterosaurs in Georgia and South Carolina

Modern Pterosaur in Georgia

Georgia is not far from South Carolina, and reports of modern living pterosuars have come from both states. In the book Live Pterosaurs in America, by Jonathan Whitcomb, one anonymous eyewitness described in detail the two flying creatures that she had observed on two different mornings, as she was driving to work to a nearby town.

I live in a small town in northeast Georgia, called Winder . . . On August 27, [2008] I woke up very early in the morning . . . I had driven less than ten miles from the house. . . . and suddenly an animal flew out from my right . . . it flew directly in front of my car . . . the shape of the tail . . .  was very long with a shape on the end. . . . head that was curved, like a hammer; the head had a crest on the top that was solid, not feathery at all . . . I was floored. I knew what it was. I couldn’t believe what it was. But I knew what it was.

Modern Pterosaurs in South Carolina

I say “pterosaurs” because more than one sighting has been reported in South Carolina. The sighting by Susan Wooten is well-publicized online, although still little known in traditional news media. That South Carolina pterosaur sighting may relate to the following sighting.

It was huge, as big as a plane, and looked very similar to the sketch created by Susan Wooten on your website. . . . a huge pterodactyl looking creature, flying very high in the sky. The strangest thing about the sighting was how slow the wings were flapping and how high it was flying. . . . Years later in college, I was having some beers with some friends and somehow one of them ended up blurting out that he saw a pterodactyl. I told him I had seen one too . . . if this creature I saw, or its offspring are still
alive, then someone will get it on film eventually.

Two Humans See Two Pterosaurs in Florida

I am fascinated by another report of what seem to be pterosaurs in the United States. According to the nonfiction book Live Pterosaurs in America, a man in Florida saw, in 2008, at about 2:30 a.m., two small pterosaurs flying over houses in the neighborhood. The man’s friend also saw the creatures that had no feathers, a pointed beak, and a “long pointed thing protruding from the back of its head.” The man making the report also said, “We were not drinking or on drugs.”

For a lone eyewitness, a testimony of observing a living pterosaur at 2:30 a.m. might be dismissed as a dream; but two eyewitnesses would not both dream a pterosaur and than both forget waking up. In addition, this night involved two flying creatures, not one. The second apparent pterosaur appeared soon after the first one and flew in another direction. This looks to me like a solid testimony, giving credence to the idea that these two men saw two modern pterosaurs.

But this Florida sighting may be related to other encounters in the Southeast. The sightings as a whole make an accumulated case for the possibility of modern living pterosaurs.

I know that Georgia seems a bit off topic, but the eyewitness in Winder, Georgia, also had two sightings, although they were separated by days, rather than by seconds in the Florida case. I’ll quote from the web page in question:

The sightings were just this past summer (2008). From the drawings the lady sent to me, I am calling this apparent pterosaur “Hammerhead Ropen.” The head appendage is somewhat similar to that of the creatures seen by Hodgkinson and Hennessy; but the beak and the appendage seem more like one continuous head-structure. The head-appendage has a somewhat curved shape. Both beak and head-appendage are more blunt than is in the sketches of the Hodgkinson-Hennessy creatures.

I don’t say that the Georgia creatures were of the same species as the Florida ones. The size difference is great. But there may be some relationship, for the environment is similar and the descriptions both strongly suggest a Rhamphorhynchoid pterosaur.

Ohio Pterosaurs

I know that pterosaurs, or at least creatures resembling them, have been reported across the United States, with eyewitnesses interviewed by cryptozoologists that have included Jonathan Whitcomb and Ken Gerhard. Several accounts come from Ohio.

Antwerp, Ohio, is where one young man saw long-tailed pterosaurs on two consecutive summers: “huge . . . about 4.5 ft. tail, 10 ft. from head to end of tail. long skinny tail with a spade.” It was the hottest time of the summer afternoon when the sightings took place.

More recently, in fact in June of 2010, a lady reported a “pterodactyl” that flew right in front of her car at night. In her own words, “I was driving on Route 309, just outside of Kenton, Ohio, perfectly clear night [full moon] . . . I had a creature swoop down and glide over my hood of my car. It glided smoothly and looked like a Pterodactyl, and I thought to myself, ‘What the . . . ‘ . . . as it smoothly flew into a thick area of trees . . . I could see almost the bones in its wings but I did NOT see feathers at all.”

This “pterodactyl” sighting in Ohio, near Kenton, brings to mind another sighting, for another lady had seen a similar creature, but in daylight, flying in a remote area of South Carolina. In that sighting, a driver saw a giant pterosaur, or pterosaur-like animal, fly right in front of her car.
